Partners |
With FARE - FormStorm Authorized Reseller Endeavor -
CharacTell has made a major commitment to resellers and partners.
We strongly believe that VARs, integrators, OEMs, and other providers of
form processing, knowledge, content and document management systems,
are crucial to smooth and successful delivery of solutions to end user
customer. We invite you to become a FormStorm Enterprise authorized resellers,
and enhance your business in the process.
You do not need to drop any of the products you currently market and support.
You may just add FormStorm Enterprise to your offerings, and take advantage of
its aggressive positioning, complete functionality and incredible ease of use.
Here are just a few of the specific reasons to consider taking on FormStorm
Enterprise, either as the primary or adjunct form processing solution you offer
your customers:
Easy to sell - FormStorm Enterprise is a versatile, and easy to market,
install and service software solution that your customers will appreciate.
Easy to install and support - Faster installation means you get
paid sooner! With FormStorm Enterprise, your customer may be up and
running in a matter of days, not weeks and months.
Lead generation and referral - CharacTell has made a commitment
to the VAR channel. We will refer prospects and customers to authorized
resellers and actively support the build-up of your FormStorm business.
Profit opportunity - CharacTell offers generous channel discounts
that translate into margins to you. Moreover, you have the opportunity to add
your own services and support expertise, for extra revenue and margins.
On-line user tutorials - With our on-line tutorials (free of charge
throughout 2003), your customers can pace their training and come up to speed
at their convenience. As a FormStorm reseller, you get the credit for their
satisfaction and success!!
Floor planning - Take advantage of CharacTell's aggressive introductory
offer to resellers. We ensure that you are equipped with all the demo tools you
need, and allow you to fully recover any initial cost!
Sales and marketing tools - Soon, authorized resellers will have private
access to your own private and secure section of our site, where you will find tools
to make you more productive and successful.
To become a member in the CharacTell FARE program, click
here, or call the CharacTell office
nearest you.



Enable multiple stations and queue control

Ability to manage users, privilleges
and passwords